
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Story Telling For You

The somebody special, you have them, the ones who make you
smile, make your life worth living, make you know that there
is more; because there is, we just sometimes, don't realize it.
"Oh that's easy for you to say, you don't hurt like me..."
I'd known Dan for years, at least it seemed like that, and
his way of saying things, well, it was neat- I liked Dan.
"Oh Dan, you always have a new pain somewhere,"
"not like this one; I'm tellin' you, it hurst clean down
to the bone."  That's just how they say it, and in the
South, we know what that bone is, don't we?

But my somebody special has no idea that they are; you see, that
would wreck the fun, and because they don't know;
well, they can't hardly do much about it.  Think about
what Dan would fuss about, if he couldn't fuss on
account of, he didn't know what to fuss about?  That's
how it is with my somebody, oh, they try their very
hardest to be just as rude and crude as they can.  They
even refuse to speak to me, imagine such; not being
even spoken to?  Yet, in some odd and unspoken way,
that makes them all the more lovely; all the more special;
even though, as time passes; we no longer know one
another, you see, if Dan couldn't fuss about his pain,
because he didn't know it, eventually what would he
call it; eventually I'll call my someone special, someone
who was, and that's very, very, sad.

So the day was bright, very bright; and it was already
hot- that's a sort of hot which hits you before the sun
is even good and up in the sky, know that sort of hot?
"Never seen it so hot,"  and she meant it.
"I think you're right, it seems like it is getting hotter
than it used to be?"
"You don't say," she was being coy for some reason;
"I do say, and what's more, its not just that it's hot,
it's that it is so hot, much hotter than it's been.  It's
not just that we have storms, don't you know, its
that they are so much more intense."
"Now that's what we call being scientific; want some
more coffee?"
I did, but I couldn't stay, after all, we all have things
that we have to do, don't we?  It was then that she
said this odd thing...

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