
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Want More - Sure You Do ...

How deep do you think about life?  Do you ponder,
sometimes, how things are going in your life?  Or
are you going through your life so quickly that
you don't stop to think about what is happening?
For example, we know that we need a new energy
resource, most of us know that petroleum isn't
going to last forever, but, what will replace it?
Can reading an amazing author turn you on to
such deeper style of thoughts?  Flood your heart
and mind with new and creative power?  The
new ideas come from many different sources,
and while his book isn't about energy, in a
much larger "big picture" way, isn't it?

Is it possible to harness gravity as
a resource and create energy from
gravity alone?  Folks to ponder
such, you either have to be - from
another place, or, one who takes
moments to ponder life, you
fly through life, though, and
such ponderous thoughts escape you.
What if you were to find
an author who stimulated you to
discover more of what you are about?

How deep is Terry Dick as an author?
We found out, Terry is worth your
time, in fact, reading his newest writings,
"Resurrection," will bring you to another place,
put you into another mode; it's an amazing
read, written by an amazing man.  How deep
do you think about life, take in this book and
we guaranty you will see another level entirely!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Disconnect that kicks your butt

This will be quick as some of my readers
are too busy to consider more than
a paragraph or two. Hilarious isn't it,
here is a source bank of information
designed to save your
life, in a time when you will need that
info; and about 6 of 10 of my readers
won't move past the second paragraph
to take it in, they are, "too busy."
 Folks when you are
in trouble because your system is killing
you, and someone finds a way to change that
killing machine, that they want to take the
time to share what they've found with you,
being "too busy," really isn't your best
option, has that occurred to you yet?

The disconnect that kicks your butt is
already a part of your busy life; how
many dependable friends do you have?
If you answer is seven or more, you are
in pretty good shape; but be certain
the term dependable figures in there
huge- why(?), because what's coming at
us we've never seen; that's right, this
is a scary monster that nobody knows
what it looks like- we've seen the
so called "great depression," but if
writers like, Michael T. Snyder, Adam
, Tyler Durden, Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.
and Lee Reich of the "Detroit Free Press,"
to name just a few (and if those names
sound at all mysterious to you, that
should be an enormous "heads up,"
to you
)are correct; and having a doctorate
in stats, I've looked at their research,
and it's sound- then we're headed for
something that nobody wants to even
think about on a global scale. Too
busy, sure, but you know what, in about
three months, when the stuff really does
hit the fan... you may wish you had taken
a moment to listen to the likes of
Michael hope is you will...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Creating Creativity

Is it possible to create creativity? Is it possible
UCLA Sponsors creative ideas (click here)
to develop the ability to see all in a different way?
This isn't any new idea, it is, however, a bit of a
different approach, learning creativity, versus,
having creativity inherently, is a different approach
to the subject of, creativity. If we believe that
leaders are born, then we resist the concept, if we
believe that leaders can be taught, then we begin
to open the portals of history to a picture with
brighter colors than we ever imagined.

Speaking with a friend the other day we were talking
about this writing, and the ideas that are going
into it, one of them, having to do with math,
and Algebra as a creative learning adventure,
brought forth the comment, "I could never learn
that..." Which brought forth the return, "wanna
bet?" Which brought forth, "math is not my
strong point, but I like creative art..." Somewhere
in this students past is a disconnect from
the realm of beauty in shape and form, and art;
that Algebra brings together perfectly. If
ever there were a person who should be really
spectacular at Algebra it should be this person
who likes creative arts, for it is there that
we see the ellipse, the hyperbola, the shapes
which Algebra equates for us so dramatically.

Many of the worlds leading experts on resources
are saying that we are nearing a point of limitations,
and that if we want to be able to exist beyond that,
we need to develop higher degrees of creativity?
That begs the question of how?  Apparently many
universities and colleges have gotten hold of
the idea as evidenced by their web presence to
that effect?