"We have to do something about this, it just
Mopsy relaxes on her favorite pillow |
isn't fair to her..."
My wife's words hung me on the truth;
"I know it, but what can we do, she can't
stay with Deb and them, and she just
doesn't seem to get along with anybody,
not us, not the other dogs?"
"Well, would you? If somebody shot you in
the ear with a bee-bee, wouldn't you be pissed?"
She had made her point, but what to do?
My heart has always gone out to my Mopsy-
when my wife first brought this dog home
she was tore to pieces, her skin looked like
it had been kicked or bitten off, she was
a mess- and somebody threw her out at
the plant where my wife worked. She got
Mopsy into the van and brought her to the
vet, he fixed her up; and we tried to get her
into some friends homes where they had
dogs outside with large dog run pens- on
farms and such, but each time, Mopsy would
go to the corner of the pen, and the other
dogs would eat her food, she wasn't being
treated fairly by them. We knew- we had
to do something.
"We can't take her to the vet, she's older,
won't nobody want to take her..." The vet
had a policy that if they couldn't find a home
Mopsy today no pinkish beat skin... |
for the animal after a certain
percentage of time, they had to
put the animal down as part of
being able to even keep the facility,
it was one of the roughest parts of
the small rural vets life, and we knew it,
and we really had already
started to become attached to Mopsy.
But Mopsy was anything except attached to us,
if we'd approach her, she'd head down, tail
tuck and growl. Sure signs in my mind that
somebody had harmed this dog in the past.
I told my wife we really should keep her- and
then we needed to pour love into this poor
Mopsy still loves the wife's garden... |
girl, love in every way we could.
Gentle voices, constantly trying to
get her to come to us, bringing her the
best food, water, and after
three months; Mopsy actually
came up to me, hand down,
head down, eyes down, and
she sniffed my hand, and we bonded,
I touched her and gently petted her,
and it was real.
Mopsy has been with us now for thirteen years,
we have no idea how old she really is, but we
know this, we should have taken before and
after pictures, nobody would believe the
difference in her. It's the power of love, I
always say, oh, not our love toward her, her
love toward us, you see, she had to forgive
whoever had done those horrible things to
her, and then realize, it wasn't us; and that
my friends is what this story is all about- great
big joy!

Rural Social Media is a blog about
perspective, really, that's what it's
all about, you see we have
a mission here; to better the
lives of those around
us. We live in rural America;
and we believe that living in rural America
is totally different than living
anywhere else. That's a simplification,
and we don't all have wheat shucks sticking out
of our mouths and wear bib overalls, but it's
not such a bad thing at all, to wear them, is it?
Somebody around this great nation of ours needs
to man up- I'd just as soon they were wearin' bib
overalls, as cross dressed fancy, how 'bout you?
Great Big Joy comes in lots of flavors- but
it boils down to this, success; and hard work,
work that pays off. Yes I know what the good
folks at the Metaphysics, "The Secret," side
of the house say, "all you have to do is believe
and it will be so," but what I'm gonna share with
you is, when you really believe, your hard work
becomes like play, and you make it so. Now
that's a bit different statement, but I believe when
you boil it down, success doesn't happen very
often from dumb luck, it just looks that way.
Great Big Joy is a series of ideas and concepts that
we're gonna go through together, about business,
because that's what I get to do, my task in life,
my passion, is to help the community of Springhill,
Louisiana, do better. Now that probably sounds
pretty crass, but realize that every community in
America has suffered in these last two decades
by the changes that have taken place in our world.
Those sufferings were very real, to farmers who
used to have a cash crop that would be allowed
to come up next year, only now, that's not for
certain anymore, thanks to the good folks at
Monsanto, and their hybrid seed programs!
Great Big Joy comes after going through such,
for the farmer who finds another way, and my
task, my passion, is to help them. That's the
community side of what I get to do. Now there
is also the fun side, and that's where we're gonna
stop today, but I want to share a success with
you that I'm enjoying to no end, that's the
businesses that are already doing pretty good-
only we're gonna get to help them go to the
next level. Imagine what fun that is going to be?
Imagine being able to stand next to someone
that is going to someday be a name that is
spoken very far away, and with respect, no
matter where it is spoken at? Imagine being

Paul Allen in California when a young man
comes over named Bill Gates and wants
to discuss this new device called a computer?
Imagine being able to help the future
leader of a massive franchise of pet
grooming products, because that's
her dream, and someday everywhere
people say, "Painted puppy- why
sure, we remember that gal...she..."