“They were just standing there in line talking this stuff…” With no need to pout her lip, Gene just continued to smile that slight smile of knowing she knew, she could see it in Chuck’s eyes.
“So they were talking about the Casinas?” Chuck loved his pretend accent.
“No doubt at all, the one who was shorter, and a little fat, couldn’t catch his name, sounded like it might be Allen; he was kind of, quiet, seemed a little intense, but also, like he was trying to get the tall guy to stay quieter, and the tall guy was excited about something.”
“So that’s what made you think they would be somebody we might could get some information from?”
“Ye...” She didn’t get the S out and he was on it…
“When we already have Hef?”
There he’d said it, she didn’t like Hef, but it didn’t matter, she had no reason to, just because a guy is named after a genius about human wants and desires, Hugh Hefner, is no reason not to like him; but for Gene, reason wasn’t always the guide it was to other people.
“I knew you were going to say that…”
“Kind of just hung out there didn’t it.”
“You know that this is some great news, you know it and I know it, all we have to do is find out if these guys are for real, maybe they are, maybe I overheard something that will gain us an edge.”
“Or get us ratted on, or killed, or kybash the whole deal?”
“It’s what they were talking about Chuckles, c’mon man, you can see it, and I know you can?”
“Not that sweety, not that at all, stop and think about what you heard.”
“That they were thinking about the Casino’s and that they had been working there, or knew somebody who knew the schedule that the Casino’s had.”
“There you go.”
“But so what?”
“Hef darling, don’t discount what’s goin’ on here.”
“Stop that train you got goin’ on this deal and think about who we’re talking about dealing with, those places aren’t just normal places of business where people go and spend a fortune.”
“Well sure that’s true.”
“So we aren’t just talking about normal folks, these folks are obviously tied into some heavy people that are either now, or used to be, what we’d call – mob- right?”
“We don’t know that.”
“Yeah but we can take a good guess.”
“So your point Chuckles, your point?”
“You and smadge both thought I was nuts, and now you are comin’ round, and it’s the money isn’t it?”
“Some, some of it is the money.”
“And the rest?”
“Your kind of cute when you’re excited.”
“Kind of?”
“So maybe I did think it was nutty, after all, we do have a life, and we not be rich, but we have each other? That counts with me.”
“Me too.”
“So why bother to try something so outrageous?”
“Maybe that’s just it, it is outrageous, maybe that makes me think that it will work, that we can do it, that we can get away with it?”
“So no good deed, huh? Well where’s the good deed in this?”
“Well first I had to just get you guys on board, then we could talk deeds, are you on board?”
“If you let me find out some more about these dudes?”
“Not by yourself.”
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