The bounce back factor, which is to say,
how long does it take for you to bounce
back, this factor, is the one element
of your success which you have the best
chance of controlling to your betterment.
Bounce back happens when you are doing
nothing wrong but someone else believes
that you are, and takes it upon themselves
to improve your lot in life by helping
you understand how correct they are and
how incorrect you are. The bounce back
factor has also been known by other names
and at other times as a focus of how the
spirit of success in America works.
Bounce back as a financial process involves
bringing the value of your dollar that has
diminished, back into your budget. Here is
a quick example, when the price of gas goes
up, the cost at the pump goes up, one very
simple way to return that cost to your
budget is to rethink your use of the vehicle.
Not hard is it? Common sense, really, isn't
it, but you would be amazed at the number of
people who continue to use their vehicle
as if the cost of fuel remained constant,
hadn't gone up, and then, can't reason
through the lack of that dollar in their
end product budget if they have one. This
idea of bounce back is so simple that it
almost goes without saying, and yet, it is
worth saying, because it involves this
very simple process of thinking through
the result of a change.
Change is a part of making your total
bank account and therefore, your total
amount of funds, recession proof- we
know you can't control the value of money.
We know you can control the value that
your money is worth in your life. Lets
look at it this way- a friend purchased
a group membership buying plan for about
$800.00 dollars which was taken out in
monthly installments of about $50.00.
Because the club is a buying club, it
allows my bud to be a business, which
cost them $25.00 to register their L.L.C.,
thereby, transacting their purchase into
a business expense. Now for the fun
part about value- two couches, one
has a cost of $1200.00, the other, which
is part of this purchase group, has a
cost of $250.00, same exact couch- now,
under the plan, my bud has actually only
spent $50.00 (month purchased in) plus
$25.00 - and the $250.00 for the couch.
The other feller paid $1200.00, both enjoy
the same sit, on the same place, so to say.
My friend at the end of the game will
be able to claim that couch as a piece of
office furniture, which it is, reclaim
it's value, which it has, and also the
space it sits in, plus other matters.
The other person gets to sit on the couch
with no return value other than a nice
piece of furniture. As this plays out
over the time of the investment in the
buying group, my friend will save, as we
have, thousands of dollars per year,
versus the other individuals who will
spend that, plus, not gaining any tax
advantage for the long run.
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