Five areas, into which, many, many different observations fit.
It's a hard fact of the knowledge which is transmitted within
it, that you can learn a lot about yourself by examining models
of what can take place. When we consider FIERO as a theory,
as a way of looking at business, as a model; we are talking
about many different angles. Today we ask the question about
responsibility- which is more important- group "big picture"
responsibility or personal, individual responsibility?
here's the good Dr. let us hear from you...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Follow...Your Heart, Not Your Head, in Social Media
Seriously..."Ya Gotta Have Heart...
Miles and Miles and Miles of Heart..."
You guys know I think the world of Mari Smith, I really do, she has just been wonderful to me as a coach, as a mentor, and as a leader in the Facebook and social media world- SO, you know if I say anything even a itsy bitsy tee-I-nsy critical of her, in any way, IT must be something that can't be ignored, right? Can we agree on that one? If we can't, hit stop, right here, and comment away at, heck, jump my bones on Twitter, guaranty ya, I'll get back with ya...right? SO, what's the big deal with Mari Smith - what did I find that I just couldn't overlook? Oh c'mon, if I was to just give that to ya now...what would we do with the rest of the article? (Pretty cheesy huh?)
You guys who have been reading me for a while, but not saying anything back to me, you know who you are...;-) Well- you guys know the hit counter knows you were here ;-) It lurks in some sneaky program or other...but, you know I love Chris Voss and think he's just, "the man." You know this 'cause you've heard me speak of Chris often, and always in a good way, right? SO, why would I mention Mr. Voss...kiddin'...he goes by Chris with me always and I feel he's that polite with everyone- Chris and Mari, they both are gonna catch it in one shot...which means, the good Dr. is fixin' to say somethin' that he has really, REALLY, thought through, because these are people that I deeply respect and they are what I view as social media leaders...
"Yeah OK fine Dana we get're gonna hand out
a "dis" towel...let's dry it up lad..."
Is it possible that Mari and Chris have grown and while they were at it, let their organizational nuance go? That's a deep one, isn't it, but here is what I notice- Mari keeps fresh content, but, not fresh contact, and, last year, when I first became one of her ardent followers...and I'll be honest- I really did start following Mari for the content she was putting out, and not because she has such an incredible smiling image...although...Mari is what we in the south call, "a fox," that had nothing to do with why I listened to her...Mari really knows social media...only back then, she contacted me a whole bunch more...and seemed very much more responsive than she is today, and my suspicion is, that Mari is struggling with social media growth? Now this is not to say that her writings, her work, her counseling, her sessions and all the great and wonderful things that she does professionally aren't all there...not at all, if you get a chance to follow Mari and you don't, wow wee are you missing out, that's not what I am saying, OK, get it pure and straight, this is the subtle every once in a while friendly contact that used to take place but today...isn't?
With Chris it's more subtle yet still...Chris used to put out a fresh video, with an insanely cutting edge, cellular or better techno-note, daily. I was blown away by the depth of it, and the content majesty of his videos...then...some months back, Chris slowed the ol' video machine down? Now that's not to say that you won't hugely benefit from any contact with this social media genius, not at all, Chris has more knowledge that he's let pass about business and social media than I'll ever acquire- he is, the hard spun genuine article, no doubt about it, but I've noticed, here lately, things haven't been as quick it would seem for him?
And now for my little selfish has happened to me...from social media, I got huge contacts, man alive...and from networking via Facebook and Twitter, got huge numbers of, "wow dude, you do grant writing, because...we've got this..." and away we'd's enormous...only guess what, it brings with it the auto-responder challenge? The fresh content challenge, that my bud Lori Taylor, brings out in an enormous way, Lori has learned to let social media work for her, a craft I am still struggling with...but back to my two heroes, my absolute most strong folk, Mari and Chris, all of a sudden it occurred to me, with my itty bitty little network goin' on that I wasn't blogging every day...because, my good contact clients were literally nailin' my time...and so...I just wonder, is that happenin' to folks and we didn't see this one coming? It is true that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...let's just hope it's not that train...
Wanna Twit on the doc? Twit here for a while, go ahead, twit down..;-)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Don't NO Do
"I want to..."
"No I better not..."
"Yes I can..."
"No I can't"
"Yes do it..."
"No better not..."
This is the battle in the head that we
all go through. We may try to say that
we don't, but we do. The battle is a
good one, it is a necessary one, and
it allows you to grow and experience
things in your life, usually with a
minor amount of danger. It is
your internal talk that is to keep
you safe. Do you listen?
Rural Social Media is an add-on
to the already existing, enormous,
amount of work done by over
7 million different contributing
people and agencies. But our
goal is to become and be a help
to those who would make use
of what we would have to offer.
The simplest concept and yet
it might just be one that can
really come to fruition in 2011.
Do you believe that in the small
outlying communities from the
cities that resources can exist
that will help those communities?
Site Link |
"Yes I can..."
"No I can't"
"Yes do it..."
"No better not..."
This is the battle in the head that we
all go through. We may try to say that
we don't, but we do. The battle is a
good one, it is a necessary one, and
it allows you to grow and experience
things in your life, usually with a
minor amount of danger. It is
your internal talk that is to keep
you safe. Do you listen?
Rural Social Media is an add-on
to the already existing, enormous,
amount of work done by over
7 million different contributing
people and agencies. But our
goal is to become and be a help
to those who would make use
of what we would have to offer.
The simplest concept and yet
it might just be one that can
really come to fruition in 2011.
Do you believe that in the small
outlying communities from the
cities that resources can exist
that will help those communities?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Simple Makes So Much More Sense
One of the things that really sort of gets
on my nerves is stuff I cannot try by my
lonesome? Well this shows you how to take
simple home stuff and make it work, just
by changing the lighting- have a laptop
with a camera? Let fly!
on my nerves is stuff I cannot try by my
lonesome? Well this shows you how to take
simple home stuff and make it work, just
by changing the lighting- have a laptop
with a camera? Let fly!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Your Help Will Be Appreciated
Help- need your help - and it won't
be forgotten- please listen to this video
it's true- sometimes the task is
too big for you alone...won't you
please consider helping? Thanks.
It was a boat built that
could not be sunk, that
was the claim, it was
"unsinkable," testament to the remarkable
new science of "compartmentalizing structure."
The engineers were certain that
even with 30 to 40% of
her outer shell structure flooded,
Titanic, could remain
afloat. It is highly probable
that war clouds were
looming on the horizon, it is
highly probable that the
engineers were hoping their designs indeed proved
flawless, not so much for safety, that was a given,
but for what she was designed to do, speed! Most
people haven't known that, because history mentions
it but doesn't focus on it, Titanic was a massive and
fast ship, intended to take the world to the next step
in Atlantic crossings. That she was unsinkable in the
process, was just a serendipity.
Help from anyone who has any ideas about
how social media might assist our community
would be wonderful please leave your comments
and thank you for your help. It won't be forgotten
as this process goes forward, have a presentation
to a board of directors next Thursday and am
flush out of ideas?
be forgotten- please listen to this video
it's true- sometimes the task is
too big for you alone...won't you
please consider helping? Thanks.
It was a boat built that
could not be sunk, that
was the claim, it was
"unsinkable," testament to the remarkable
new science of "compartmentalizing structure." |
The engineers were certain that
even with 30 to 40% of
her outer shell structure flooded,
Titanic, could remain
afloat. It is highly probable
that war clouds were
looming on the horizon, it is
highly probable that the
engineers were hoping their designs indeed proved
flawless, not so much for safety, that was a given,
but for what she was designed to do, speed! Most
people haven't known that, because history mentions
it but doesn't focus on it, Titanic was a massive and
fast ship, intended to take the world to the next step
in Atlantic crossings. That she was unsinkable in the
process, was just a serendipity.
Help from anyone who has any ideas about
how social media might assist our community
would be wonderful please leave your comments
and thank you for your help. It won't be forgotten
as this process goes forward, have a presentation
to a board of directors next Thursday and am
flush out of ideas?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
You Do What You Have To
This first entry carries you downtown,
if you live downtown,
that's no big deal, if you aren't
used to living downtown, it's
a bit of a change. Change can
be good, wouldn't you agree?
Perhaps you've not made a lot
of changes in your life? Or
perhaps you've made quite a few?
When we think about the
difference in social media, however, between that
which takes place inside an enormous city,
where loads of contacts are all buzzing with new
material; to the community where there
are only a few hundred internet users and
they aren't really intense about it; it's quite
a change. This first entry is going
to take you downtown for a look around,
but we're going to do it in a way that we
hope you will like. Let's start off
by you seeing what we're about:
So our first series of thoughts has to do with
what do you use to change the way that you are
doing what you are doing at present. First if
you are not using FaceBook you are turning away
a lot of people from what you do. The same thing
is said of Twitter, and the same thing is
said about Google enterprises attempts at
social media interfaces which vary. At one
time they were prepping something they called
the "Wave," currently they are running a
test called "BUZZ," and it seems likely that
BUZZ is going to be kept as a platform within
a platform. With FaceBook you are using a
fairly new but very well known system.
if you live downtown,

used to living downtown, it's
a bit of a change. Change can
be good, wouldn't you agree?
Perhaps you've not made a lot
of changes in your life? Or
perhaps you've made quite a few?
When we think about the
difference in social media, however, between that
which takes place inside an enormous city,
where loads of contacts are all buzzing with new
material; to the community where there
are only a few hundred internet users and
they aren't really intense about it; it's quite
a change. This first entry is going
to take you downtown for a look around,
but we're going to do it in a way that we
hope you will like. Let's start off
by you seeing what we're about:
So our first series of thoughts has to do with
what do you use to change the way that you are
doing what you are doing at present. First if
you are not using FaceBook you are turning away
a lot of people from what you do. The same thing
is said of Twitter, and the same thing is
said about Google enterprises attempts at
social media interfaces which vary. At one
time they were prepping something they called
the "Wave," currently they are running a
test called "BUZZ," and it seems likely that
BUZZ is going to be kept as a platform within
a platform. With FaceBook you are using a
fairly new but very well known system.
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