because we get to see first hand how
things are, wouldn't you agree?
When we talked about my future
the word diabetes wasn't in that
description. That happened to
people who didn't take care of
themselves, didn't eat right, had
bad family history's of the disease,
but it wouldn't hit me. I ran nearly
every day- worked out, was
active as a cat, had energy out the
wazoo, and was losing weight.
So the idea of having diabetes
never crossed my mind.
Went to the eye doctor of all places,
and my eyes prescription for contacts
changed twice in a three month period.
This doctor was very wise, he said,
"look I'm not tryin' to alarm you but
that's sometimes a symptom of
something else, you should see a
Eyes may change.

what I believed in error, that people
who got diabetes, gained weight-
wrong- weight loss is a signal. Weight
change, that is dramatic and you
can't account for it one way or the
other, and that's a sign.
Weight change, dramatic weight change.
The next thing that happened is more subtle,
it's also harder to talk about. It's an internal
change - you suddenly find yourself being
very thirsty. Water, fluids, and anything
you can get your hands on that is wet, is
what you want, because you have dry
mouth, like you've never had.
Change in drinking habits, always thirsty.
You may notice, I did, that my feet started
to tingle. My sense is that it's when we
say something is "going to sleep," like when
you have an arm in one position too long
and it starts to tingle- that's the sensation
in your feet.
Tingling sensation in feet and hands.
This last one is certainly not the least,
but you may find yourself becoming
very tired, sleepy tired, in the afternoon.
This wouldn't be your normal, "gosh
I'd like to take a nap," tired, this is
sitting down and then going to sleep-
Bam- just out, like a light, in the middle
of the afternoon.
Sudden drowsiness beyond normal.
When these five signs show up, get
with your doctor, it's important, there
was no real history in my family of
this disease, I was a person who took
care of my body- and yet, here it is,
If it can hit me, it can hit somebody else.
My hope is that by sharing what
happened with me, maybe you'll go see
the doctor can help.