entry that most of the folks who used
to swing bye, have swung bye,
and said "bye-bye" and who can
blame them. Here is my official apology
to them, they were faithful readers,
and I went to work outside my career
field for a while and did not have any
moments, really didn't, to do
entries. That has changed, and a
much chastised Dr. asks you to engage
once again, promising you
that we will surface some juicy topics, as well as,
some useful ones. That being said, let's dig in,

So we have to begin with my faves- Chris and
Mari - Chris cause he's just way beyond cool
with his gadgets - I don't think there is a new app
out there that Chris hasn't tried, and the cool thing
is, when Chris say's it works...you can trust his
voice. http://www.facebook.com/chrisvoss?ref=ts

Which brings us to Mari Smith. One of a kind?
Unique- AWESOME- they become just words
if you aren't careful, until you run into Mari-
then suddenly, you see...she's the definition
of so many of them: http://www.facebook.com/maris